Posts Tagged ‘UofT Engagement’
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Aug 02 2024

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Summer is definitely here! Last week I had the pleasure of meeting Tingting and Matt for their engagement session. We started the shoot at UofT and went for a walk around Yorkville stopping by a few cool places like the ROM and the RCM.

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Oct 25 2023

I’m in love with this engagement shoot, I wish I could post all of their pictures here at the blog! I had so much fun with Deirdre and Christian last Saturday at UofT. Read the rest of this entry »
Sep 09 2015

This past August I worked all weekends and lots of weekdays, so I’ve been really busy! It’s hard to keep this blog updated, however, yesterday was my daughter’s first day at JK and that means more working time for me, so hopefully I’ll come here more often. :)

This photo shoot is super fresh and I needed to post this right now – UofT is probably in my top 3 favorite places to work and I just LOVED these photos!! I worked with Ron back in 2012 when he was part of a wedding party. I was so happy that he still remembered me and that he and his fiancée liked my work.

Kaitlin was pretty shy at the beginning of the shoot, but by the end of it they were pros! I just can’t wait to shoot their wedding next year!

Let me share some of my favorites with you. :)

Mar 24 2015

This shoot is from yesterday – yes! Yesterday. I haven’t even finished editing all of Anna’s and Ashwin’s engagement session, but since they are getting married this weekend, I edited a few of the photos so they have time to use them.

I’ll keep this short since this will be a busy busy week for me – besides working on their engagement photos, just this weekend I have their wedding, a family photo session and a birthday party to shoot. Think I will rest on Monday? I’ve got another shoot and a meeting. Yeap, the year has definitely started. Everytime I get to a photo shoot I can’t help but think how lucky I am do this for a living. :)

It was STILL freezing yesterday, but Anna and Ashwin were brave enough to handle the cold temperatures. I’m honestly in love with these so I decided to take a break from the editing to post a few of my favorites!

[update 03/29] p.s.: go check it out their wedding photo taken yesterday: :)

Jun 01 2013

Something I’d like to address quickly: I just got a message from a dear client asking me if I didn’t like their pictures because they couldn’t find their session on my blog. Since I get this question every now and then, I just want to make it clear that I don’t post all my work here. We’re in June and I already shot tons of families/couples/weddings/etc – I can’t find time to blog/Facebook them all. The truth is I don’t take clients that I know won’t match/like with my style of photography so there’s no way I wouldn’t love a picture I take. As of now, I have lots of images I wanted to upload to my portfolio. Every time I upload a new picture to my portfolio, I have to delete some of the old ones and that breaks my heart as well. :/

I’ve been really busy this month, but I hate to leave the blog with no new posts. And when I say busy, I mean it. I just came back from work and, this week, I’m shooting every single day till next Sunday. This means I’m taking pictures 9 days in a row! Still I can’t really complain – I got to do what I love and there will be plenty of time to rest during the winter. I’m actually writing this post while I export some wedding images on Lightroom. :)

This is Shannon and Graham’s E-Session – we started at the UofT and finished our day at the Humber Bridge – two favorites of mine! Although we spent more time than planned sitting in traffic and got to the Lake Shore way after we were supposed to, we still got lots of great shots over there. Do I need to say how much I loved Shannon’s dress? Gorgeous bride-to-be and I’m extremely excited to be shooting their wedding this Fall at the King Edward Hotel!

Feb 03 2012

Some days ago I was browsing through Amazon and I stumbled upon the box set of Dawson’s Creek for sale. I didn’t think twice – I had to buy it, since it was my favorite show ever. Dawson’s Creek was on during my teen years and I loved the way that the series was different from the other teen series around that time. Of course that only lasted for the first season and then it became a teen show like all others – guess it had to do with ratings as well. But I kept watching.

The box set finally arrived and I decided to watch some of the episodes again. Then I realized I was too old for it. I can’t relate to any of that anymore – therefore, it’s no fun wasting a whole hour watching Dawson, Joey, Pacey and their whole drama.

The next day, I decided to give it a another try. For my surprise, the episode I chose did not play on my DVD player and since I read that lots of people had trouble with that box set, I decided to return it and just get a refund. Goodbye, James Van Der Beek.

I can’t believe it’s been 13 years since the 1st season of DC. 10 years ago I was leaving high school and starting university. Wow.

And talking about years, the couple from this post has been together for a long time now and I couldn’t believe how they were still so sweet to each other. This is one of the cutest couples EVER! They were sooo in love – their e-session was great. I love every single image of them! I have so many photo shoots from last year I still want to post in here, but I just had to post this one right away. :)

p.s.: this post was updated on 02/15.

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